Trails in Waltham, Massachusetts

Nearby Towns: Arlington Belmont Lexington Lincoln Newton Watertown Weston
Beaver Brook Reservation
Source:Mass. DCR
Also in: Belmont
Beaver Brook - Historic Reservation Trails
Source:Waltham Land Trust
Also in: Belmont
Beaver Brook North Reservation and Mackerel Hill
Source:Waltham Land Trust
Also in: Belmont Lexington
Bentley College Area
Source:Waltham Community Home Page
Cedar Hill
Source:Waltham Community Home Page
Charles River Reservation - The Upper Charles - East
Source:Mass. DCR
Other maps:suggested hikes, rides, and paddles
Also in: Newton Watertown
Charles River Reservation East
Source:Waltham Land Trust
Also in: Watertown
Charles River Reservation - The Upper Charles - West
Source:Mass. DCR
Also in: Newton
Charles River Reservation West
Source:Waltham Land Trust
Charles River Reservation Bike Trail - Waltham to Watertown
Source:Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition
Also in: Newton Watertown
Charles River Trails
Also in: Newton Watertown Weston
Chester Brook Corridor
Source:Waltham Land Trust
Hardy Pond Pondside Walkway
Source:Waltham Land Trust
Middlesex County Hospital Lands
Source:Waltham Land Trust
Also in: Lexington
Paine Estate Grounds
Source:Waltham Community Home Page
Prospect Hill Park
Source:City of Waltham
Prospect Hill Park Trails
Source:Waltham Land Trust
Sachar Woods
Source:Brandeis University
Storer Conservation Land
Source:Waltham Land Trust
Storer Conservation Land
Source:Stonehurst Waltham
Western Greenway
Source:Waltham Land Trust
Also in: Belmont Lexington

SullySully says check out the Masstrails Big Map! Interactive, zoomable, clickable map of every rail-trail in Massachusetts plus highlights of open spaces from the Cape to the Berkshires!

  •  Nearby towns are the 7 closest to your search town.
  •  Source often provides additional information.
  •  Other maps = different format (jpg, gif), brochure, or a detail view.

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