Trails in Princeton, Massachusetts

Nearby Towns: Holden Hubbardston Leominster Rutland Sterling West Boylston Westminster
Source:Princeton Land Trust
Bullock / McElroy
Source:Princeton Land Trust
Calamint Hill North
Source:Town of Princeton
Cobb Brook
Source:Town of Princeton
Four Courners
Source:Princeton Land Trust
Giard Property
Source:Princeton Land Trust
Gregory-Alexander Trails
Source:Princeton Land Trust - Gregory property information
Other maps:Alexander property information
Leominster State Forest
Source:Mass. DCR
Other maps:suggested hikes, rides, and paddles
Also in: Leominster Westminster
Leominster State Forest - Bayberry Hill Loop
Source:Town of Leominster
Other maps:Granite Street Loop
Also in: Leominster Westminster
Leominster State Forest
Other maps:Teambums map
Also in: Leominster Westminster
Midstate Trail
Other maps:map 2
Also in: Ashburnham Ashby Barre Charlton Douglas Hubbardston Leicester Oakham Oxford Rutland Spencer Sutton Westminster
Peabody Metcalf Poor Trails - Russell Corner Trails
Source:Princeton Land Trust
Thomas Prince School Nature Trails
Source:Town of Princeton
Princeton TrailHeads - interactive map
Source:Town of Princeton
Other maps:brochure with locator map
Savage Hill Wildlife Management Area
Also in: Rutland
Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary
Source:Mass. Audubon
Other maps:color map
Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary Accessible Trails Booklet
Source:Mass. Audubon
Other maps:Booklet
Wachusett Mountain State Reservation
Source:Mass. DCR
Other maps:recommended hikes
Also in: Westminster

SullySully says check out the Masstrails Big Map! Interactive, zoomable, clickable map of every rail-trail in Massachusetts plus highlights of open spaces from the Cape to the Berkshires!

  •  Nearby towns are the 7 closest to your search town.
  •  Source often provides additional information.
  •  Other maps = different format (jpg, gif), brochure, or a detail view.

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